MOBAC Reference Committee Meeting Minutes
June 28, 2016
Watsonville Public Library
Call to Order: 2:10pm
Present: Ellie Anderson (MPL), Heather Geddes (WPL), Jean Chapin (HML), Be Astengo (MCFL), Aloha Sargent (CAB), Valerie Murphy and Julie Richardson (SCPL). Via Zoom - Ann Jacobson (NPS), Sarah Dahlen (CSUMB) Recorder: Jean Chapin
Introductions. Ann Jacobson and Heather Geddes will co-chair the reference committee for 2016-17. Be Astengo was thanked for her hard work and leadership over the past year.
Approval of Last Meeting Minutes: approved
Public Comments: None
Admin Council - Carol Heitzig (WAT) is the new Admin Council chair, and Frank Wojcik (CSUMB) is the new vice-chair. One new member- Cary Siegfried (SAL). Amy Jordan is the new Member Services and Outreach manager for Califa, so we should all be hearing from her re offers. The OCLC contracts for WorldCat Discovery, Cataloging and WorldShare were approved for participating libraries. The group catalog was dropped. All committees were reconfirmed, and appreciation expressed for all the hard work. Admin will be switching to quarterly meetings. Next meeting is Sept. 9 in Watsonville.
Tech – no news
ILL – Next meeting July 12 in Watsonville.
SPLAMBA- Summer reading programs discussed. Planning started for Spring workshop, in coordination with the Center for Childhood Creativity, the research division of the Bay Area Discovery Museum. Workshop to be held March 17, 2017.
Old Business:
- Wiki vs MOBAC webpage- after discussion of pros and cons, it was decided that both would be retained for now, and at the next meeting we will have a tutorial on using both, including posting and editing draft minutes, linking approved minutes, posting meetings and agendas to the calendar, etc.
- Meeting locations for 2016-17- We need a meeting location for August 23. Heather will check availability. Ann has posted the meeting days on the wiki. We should sign up for meetings we can host. Ann will send out an email reminding us to do so.
New Business:
- Topic for October workshop. Discussion on ebook (and other downloadables) workshop, or a workshop on lifelong learning resources and MOOCs. It was decided to go with the lifelong learning workshop, to be called “Cool Online Tools for Lifelong Learning.” Heather and Ann volunteered to be on a panel. We should seek additional panelists. Julie has some knowledge of staff educational opportunities, and the suggestion was made to include resources for the public and resources for staff. Heather is putting together a list of resources. Some that we brainstormed included Khan Academy, Universal Class, Gale Courses, Workshop will be Friday, October 7- location to be determined. Be will check on Marina. Heather will check on Castroville.
- Annual Report planning – Be created a draft annual report, even though it is not due until September, since it was decided the outgoing chair would have more knowledge of the past year’s accomplishments and challenges. She will send the draft to Heather and Ann for editing.
Reference Shares: Heather shared some good books in Spanish on the individual Mexican states, available through Brodart. A discussion was held of various Spanish language vendors. Jean recommended Amigos online classes for staff development.
Meeting Adjourned
Next Meeting: August 23rd at WPL?
Comments (1)
Ann Jacobson said
at 8:15 am on Jun 30, 2016
Thanks Jean, these look great. I added one sentence about seeking additional panelists for the Workshop in October. I don't think Heather and I can fill a 3 hour workshop. I'm probably good for 20 minutes myself!
Also, at our last meeting we agreed that we would not put the time down for Meeting Adjourned, because after it is officially adjourned most still stay for the off the record news from libraries. So I removed that, too.
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