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AGENDA 2017-02-28

Page history last edited by Ann Jacobson 7 years, 7 months ago

MOBAC Reference Committee Meeting Agenda

Tuesday February 28  2:00 P.M.

Watsonville Public Library

Parking Information: http://cityofwatsonville.org/public-library/about-the-library/library-parking



To participate via Zoom:


Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/559199535


Call to Order: 





Approval of October and January Minutes:  

Public Comments:  


Welcome New Member:

Alicia Martinez, Watsonville


Old Business:


Chair(s) for next year (year starts in August)

With Heather gone, it is imperative that we identify an incoming Chair for next year.  That person can start working with Ann now to learn the ropes, and will be able to step in to lead meeting(s) if Ann is unable to attend.


New business:


Committee survey (Ann)

Survey results
How does it inform how we'd like to structure the committee and our activities moving forward? 


Spring Workshop or "Product"?

InfoPeople proved too expensive so we are back to the drawing board.


Discussion Topic:

 "Fake News" - Facilitated by Stacy Mueller (Cabrillo)

Topic for next meeting?


Reports (time permitting):


Administrative Council

None (no meeting since last report)


Tech Committee


ILL Committee




Reference Shares (time permitting)


News from libraries (off the record)


Next meeting— Currently scheduled for March 28 at Hartnell.  Subject to change depending on whether we decide to proceed with a Spring Workshop and whether we decide to start meeting bi-monthly instead of monthly.


Kris has reserved MCFL Castroville for our June Meeting.



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