
2018, August 28 Final Minutes

Page history last edited by David Addison 6 years, 4 months ago

MOBAC Reference Committee Meeting Minutes

August 28, 2018 2PM

Hartnell College Library Room A105


Call to Order: Stacy Mueller @ 2:10pm



  •         David Addison, SCPL
  •         Watonka Addison, Watsonville Public Library
  •         Cynthia Ainsworth, Hartnell
  •         Ellie Anderson, Monterey Public Library
  •         Stacy Mueller, Cabrillo
  •         Sarah Dahlen, CSUMB
  •         Beata Obydzinski, MCFL 
  •         Sean Briscoe, Salinas Public 
  •        Kenny Garcia, CSUMB
  •        Elizabeth Thomas, MPC (Zoom)


Recorder: David Addison


Approval of Last Meeting's Minutes:  Approval of minutes from May 2018 meeting


Public Comments:  none


Welcome: To new members Elizabeth Thomas from MPC and Kenny Garcia from CSUMB


Old Business: 

1.) The Fall workshop: Local History Treasures/ History Project is scheduled for Friday October 26, 2018 from 9:00am to 12:00pm at the Marina Branch of the MCFL. Main Panelists have been confirmed: Archives specialist Jennifer Smith (see her email that contains questions about the workshop) and local history librarian Deborah Lipoma from SCPL.         

2) We agreed upon a 2 hour presentation from panelists and a 1 hour show and tell of MOBAC libraries local history artifacts. Jennifer Smith will give a 45 minutes presentation, Deborah Lipoma will give a 20 minute presentation, Dennis Copeland from MCL will speak for 30 minutes which leaves 35 minutes for 7 people to give 5 minute presentations. Ideally we need 11 tables for show and tell. Beata agreed to make signs for each table for show and tell. Cynthia agree to make a flyer for the event. She will have a draft ready at the beginning of September. A discussion ensued regarding what type of workshop survey for attendees was best. Paper, online? We discussed putting survey on a white board. Most members agreed with this but a final decision is necessary. Ellie agreed to buy food and should get reimbursed from MOBAC Admin. The formal workshop will be from 9:00am to 12:00pm. Coffee and networking from 8:30-9:00am. We will create a 1/2 sheet handout with the agenda. URL to the MCFL local history directory: https://www.co.monterey.ca.us/library/MCLHD.html


New business:

1) Sarah reminded us that October is local history month. The City of Monterey will host a local history festival October 13-14 which also includes an Archive Crawl, check it out!

2) .Stacy asked the group about classrooms and labs. Has anyone added a lab space to their library? What do these classrooms and labs look like? A.) Sean from Salinas Public talked about their new lab/classroom space at the new library. Their new lab space in located in the basement and includes moveable shelving and panels, white boards and laptops. B.) Ellie talked about the Learning Lab @ MPL which includes a smart screen, 12 .laptops, flexible space configuration. She mentioned that the Half Moon Bay library has a new maker space but the room is set up to be very flexible for other programming. C.0 Cynthia's dream lab would include a smart TV with the ability to push content from a tablet on the tv from anywhere in the room so you can walk around and present.




Administrative Council:

Cynthia attend their last meeting in June. They were excited to hear about our upcoming workshop and even floated the idea of creating a new archival committee for MOBAC.


Tech Committee:

No rep.


ILL Committee

No rep



Ellie reported about the Bookshares program. Splamba meetings have see low attendance for the past few meetings. They are thinking about a Spring workshop.


Reference Shares:

1.) Beata talked about the new addition of A-Z database and thought it had a better interface than Reference USA. She asked about the future of Enki. The group agreed that it's going away soon for MOBAC libraries.

2.) Ellie talked about keeping more Ebsco databases and thought it was a better deal than Gale. They have cut some databases from both providers and have cut almost half of their database subscriptions.

3.) David spoke about about the formation of a new reference focus group. SCPL will be reviewing and updating our reference services and what it means to provide reference in the 21st century. He asked the group for any relevant input and welcomed their ideas about the future of reference.

4.) Sarah mentioned how they just added the Homeland Security Digital Library database to their collection. Early usage stats are looking good.

5.) Ellie shared a flyer for an upcoming program entitled "Searching For Your Roots", an introduction to Genealogical Research. The program will be held on Thursdays 1:00-2:30pm October 18 & 25, November 1 & 8th.

6.) Stacy reported to the group about a new ILS for all State College Libraries called Ex Libris Alma which has been quite an adjustment for all stakeholders.


News from libraries (off the record)


Meeting adjourned @ 4:15pm


Next meetings— September 25, 2018 @ Salinas Public Libary


Following meetings:

October 26, 2018 Fall Workshop @ Marina Branch of MCFL

January 22, 2019 @ Watsonville Public Library

March 26, 2019 @ Monterey Public Library

May 28, 2019 @ CSUMB Library

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