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2019, March 26 Minutes

Page history last edited by David Addison 5 years, 4 months ago


MOBAC Reference Committee Meeting Agenda

March 26, 2019 2:00 P.M.

Monterey Public Library

625 Pacific St, Monterey, CA 93940


To participate via Zoom:




Parking Information: Two-hour parking can be found in the lot just uphill from the library on the same side of the street. For longer-term parking, try behind the fire station (just across from the library) or on Pacific Street farther up the hill.


Refreshments: Please bring a snack to share


Chair of Meeting: Stacy Mueller


Call to Order: 2:05pm


Present: Stacy Mueller (Cabrillo College), Kenny Garcia (CSUMB), Sean (Salinas), Jean Chapin (Harrison Memorial Library), Brett Melanson (San Benito County Library), Watonka Addison (Watsonville Public Library), David Addison (Santa Cruz Public Library), Ellie Anderson (Monterey Public Library), Erin Baxter (San Benito County Library), Elizabeth Thomas (Monterey Peninsula College Library), Diana Godwin (Pacific Grove Public Library)

Recorder: Ellie Anderson

Proxies:  N/A

Approval of Last Meeting's Minutes:  January 22, 2019


Public Comments:  N/A


Old Business:

      1. Committee goals for 2019-Review

●        Professional Development

●        Networking

●        October Workshop

○        Previous themes include workplace health, equity in library service, local history treasures

●        What are the old themes/committee charges?

●        For a while we had a discussion topic for each meeting. Is that something we want to continue?

●        Used to be that the state would give us a list of options of goals for the year

○        Serve underserved populations was one we have chosen in the past.

●        The committee should have action oriented goals.

●        David will create and share a document


New business:

  1.  Announcements on library activities of public interest
  2.  Continued brainstorming for Fall 2019 Workshop
  3. Reference Service Models (David)
    1. MPC: April 12 4pm-5:30pm: Music in the Stacks at MPC, Position open for Library Director
    2. San Benito Library: April 12 6pm-7:30pm: San Benito County 100 years celebration, New digital services, including Kanopy, access to Archives Unbound with State Library
    3. Monterey: Student Success Initiative is underway, Planning for Summer Reading
    4. SCPL has broken ground on the Felton Branch Library, Capitola is moving forward, Downtown Santa Cruz is working on the plan for a mixed-use building, Assistant Director is retiring in June, This is the second year of SCPL’s internal Innovation Grants.
    5. Watsonville: New SMS Text messaging for patrons, online payment system, program planning underway for Summer Reading, stay tuned for positions will be opening soon.
    6. Carmel: They have changed their schedule to seven days a week, to much positive feedback. They will have a new Librarian starting in April.
    7. Salinas: Summer Reading planning underway, El Gabilan Branch is on track to open Feb 2020. Working with Career Vision for job prep workshop again. Smart Card launched for digital library access for kids. Families for Literacy program is beginning.
    8. Cabrillo College: Hiring a full time librarian to start in the Fall. Transitioning to Ex Libris ILS.
    9. CSUMB: Piloting a project to loan out hotspots to students to provide internet access at home. Much construction on campus, impacting parking.
    10. Pacific Grove: Completed fundraising for library refresh/remodel project. Osio Theater is going to show The Public beginning April 12th. On that evening there will be an event and the PGPL will be tabling.
    11. Schedule for the end of October
    12. Need to request funding before June Admin Council Meeting
    13. What ideas do we have?
      1. Future of Libraries/Reference
      2. Harwood Practice
      3. Joint workshop with other MOBAC Committees?
        1. SPLAMBA/Reference for Database promotion
        2. Tech and Ref?
      4. Marketing library service
      5. Programming
      6. Evolution of the Reference Librarian
      7. Social Issues in Libraries
        1. Homelessness
        2. Aggressive patrons
        3. Drug use/overdose
          1. Administering Narcan in libraries
        4. Mental Health Services
          1. NAMI: https://namimonterey.org/
          2. Interim: https://www.interiminc.org/
        5. Salinas and SCPL have social workers from outside agencies who work in the library. Could they be speakers?
        6. Colleges have counselors for students facing challenging circumstances.
      8. Self care for Library Staff
        1. Mental Health of Library Staff
        2. Given all the roles we play with fewer and fewer resources, how do we take care of ourselves and our staff for the long-term?
    14. Homework: Who do we know who could present at a workshop on Social Issues and Self Care in Libraries?
      1. Post ideas on the Wiki
    15. SCPL is updating their Ref Service Model. What examples do we have in the room?
      1. SCPL: a combined Ref and Circ desk
      2. Cabrillo: Traditional setup. Circ desk and Reference Desk, staffed by two reference librarians for most of the day. No cross-training.
      3. CSUMB: Mixed approach depending on time of year: Spring break and Summer a librarian is on call. During the school year they staff the desk and make appointments if they need to talk with a subject specialist. Separate Circ and Ref Desks.
      4. Pacific Grove: Separate desks, next to each other. Cross-trained, though more librarians have learned circ tasks than circ learned reference. Sometimes it can frustrate patrons if they get partially helped by one person and then passed to another.
      5. Watsonville: Main Library has separate service desks. Good because of confidentiality and levels of service possible at a busy location. Freedom branch is combined and creates
      6. MPC: Union restrictions on the types of work different people can do. Two service desks: Ref/IT and Circulation. Reference service is mostly at the desk, but available by appt as well. What is optimum placement of desk.
      7. NPS and UC Santa Cruz: have reference by appointment, not on the desk
      8. Carmel: Combining desks next year.
      9. Virtual Reference: Lib Answers from Springshare, email, Ask A Librarian, Chat, letters in mail, texting
      10. San Benito County: Separate Desks: Ref staffed all day. Looking at single service point
      11. MPL: Singe Library Help Desk, with designated stations for different types of service to ease transitions between staff. Plenty of overlap of responsibility. Increasing basic reference training and expectation for Library Assistants. Librarians often help with basic circulation tasks. Specialties remain in place.
      12. What do the desks look like, how are they configured, open to the public or not? Is there a Self Checkout Station?




Administrative Council

●        Budget requests for next fiscal year are due in June.


Tech Committee

●        Workshop on April 12th.


ILL Committee



●        Workshop went well. High school librarian attendance and enthusiasm.


Reference Shares: N/A


News from libraries (off the record)


Next meeting— (May 28, 2019, 2PM, CSUMB; Chairperson: David Addison)


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