
2019, August 27 Minutes

Page history last edited by Cynthia Ainsworth 5 years, 3 months ago

2019, August 27 Minutes


MOBAC Reference Committee Meeting Minutes

August 27, 2019 2:00 P.M. A105

Hartnell College Library 

411 Central Ave., Salinas 93901


Call to Order: David Addison @ 2:15 

Present:  David Addison (Santa Cruz Public Libraries), Betsy Vaca (Cabrillo College), Jean Chapin (Carmel Public Library), Kim Smith (Monterey Public Library), Sean Briscoe (Salinas Public Library), Cynthia Ainsworth (Hartnell College), Kenny Garcia (CSUMB), Watonka Addison (Watsonville Public Library)

Recorder: Watonka Addison


Proxies:  none

Approval of Last Meeting's Minutes:  March 26th, 2019 and May 28th, 2019 were approved


Public Comments:  none


Old Business: Inviting member libraries who are currently not attending, identifying new staff at member libraries who might want to join 

                       Additions to the Annual report for Admin Council 


New business:

  • Welcome incoming Co-Chair, Sean Briscoe. 
  • The Fall workshop: The Harwood Institute Model presentation/workshop is scheduled for Friday, October 18, 2019, 9:00am to 12:00pm at the Marina Branch of MCFL.
  • Workshop format will consist of three elements:
  1. Main panelists/presenters: Cindy Mediavilla and Bev Shwartzberg from CA State Library 
  2. Local examples shared by Ashlee Wright (Carmel) and Inga Waite(Monterey)—tentative
  3. Group discussion
  4. Check Calix for Harwood training in Sacramento
  • Advertising: Cynthia
  • Location: Beata Obydzinski has reserved the Meeting Room in Marina
  • Online registration and survey: Frank Gravier
  • Refreshments: Watonka
  • Name tags, signup sheets, pens: Watonka
  • Setup/cleanup: All committee members--arrive at 7:30am
  • Some questions to answer: will we have money for transportation/accommodations available for presenters? Do we plan to record the presentations?





Administrative Council:  David reports

 Tech Committee  Kim reported that the committee is focusing on addressing accessibility issues and upcoming plans for MOBAC libraries, providing external mics for Zoom meetings.


ILL Committee


SPLAMBA: Kim reported good turnout for the last meeting at MPL, recaps of summer reading program highlights

 Reference Shares:

CSUMB: Currently undertaking a big weeding project for the print reference collection. Criteria is being determined by individual subject selectors. CSUMB is celebrating their 25th Anniversary, featuring the Common Read of the graphic novel, The Best We Could Do. Author, Thuy Bui will give a keynote address on October 8, 2019 in the University Center Ballroom. CSUMB library just had a soft opening of a lactation center, which improves access and comfort for nursing moms. The campus is migrating to LibGuides, which has now gone live.  LibGuides will improve the ease of creating research guides. The campus website was previously used for this.

Hartnell: The campus library is busy with migration to new  LSP platform Alma/Primo. Reserve information will be loaded when it goes live. Hartnell is switching to a 16-week calendar. Classes will be fewer days per week but with longer sessions. Impacts on services are being evaluated. Guided Pathways and meta-majors committees and campus wide initiatives remain an essential focus.

MPL: There are a number of reference related projects, including deal with Civic Info center, managing government documents, and prison mail, particularly since the librarian who formerly handled these responsibilities has now retired, so library procedures are under review. MPL continues to receive a large volume of prison mail, although State Dept. of Corrections staff have indicated that all prisons have their own libraries and librarians. MPL is wrapping up a building expansion feasibility study, looking into options for a new building. The library has youth services, and other vacancies.

Carmel: Harrison Memorial Library is rebranding as Carmel Public Library. It is one library with two buildings, Park Branch and Harrison Memorial. A meeting room is being added, reference collection is moving out of the space. Reference will move to a single service desk.

Cabrillo: The campus is migrating to LSP Alma/Primo, doing training to learn circulation and front end CTC at Watsonville with a new full-time librarian.

WPL: Two full-time librarians have been hired, which will assist with existing vacancies. Watsonville will be implementing RFID this fall, and will also debut a new Bibliovan for outreach and events.

SCPL: The reference service model is almost done.


News from libraries (off the record)


Next meeting— (September 24, 2019 @ Montery PL, Chair: Sean)

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