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Agenda 2022-5-24

Page history last edited by David Addison 2 years, 5 months ago

MOBAC Reference Committee Meeting Agenda

May 24 2:00 P.M.

Watsonville Public Library 275 Main St. Ste 100 Watsonville, CA

Second Floor Meeting Room

Zoom option as well


To participate via Zoom:


Call to Order: 





Approval of Last Meeting's Minutes:  March 22, 2022

Public Comments:  


Old Business:

  • Finalize topic for fall workshop
    • Library Advocacy
    • Mobac, Past, Present and Future
    • Assessing e-materials and digital resources for currency, usage, and relevance:



New business:

  • Announcements on library activities of public interest
  • Choosing a new incoming chair/co-chair for FY 22/23
  • Sign up for 2022/2023 meeting times and places:               

          (time to start meeting in person?)                                   August 23 :

  •  Sign up for note takers                                                     September 27:

                                                                                              October 21 : Fall Workshop; In person?

                                                                                              January 24 :

                                                                                              March 28 :

                                                                                              May 23:

                                                                                              June 27:





Administrative Council


Tech Committee


ILL Committee




Reference Shares:


News from libraries (off the record)


Next meeting— (June 28 Lunch in Moss Landing 12 or 1pm)


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