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2022 March 22 Minutes

Page history last edited by Watonka Addison 2 years, 5 months ago

MOBAC Reference Committee Meeting Minutes

March 22, 2:00pm-4:00pm

In-person: Watsonville Public Library 275 Main St. Watsonville, CA 95076

Zoom Link:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87216677543?pwd=aGZ6Qll3NjBDRW9uSDAxTGFNT2lpUT09

Chair of Meeting:

David Addison


Call to Order: 

2:07 p.m.


Present:  David Addison (SCPL), Watonka Addison (WPL), Cynthia Ainsworth (HC), Joelle Mellon (MIIS), Sean Briscoe (MPL), Stephen Fadel (CSUMB)


Recorder: Watonka Addison 




Approval of Last Meeting's Minutes:  January 25, 2022

Public Comments: 



Old Business:


Choosing a fall workshop topic (decision to be finalized at May meeting)


  • Library advocacy: bolstering support from stakeholders and decision-makers by demonstrating the value of our libraries. Sean suggested the idea of enlisting a speaker from ALA.


  • MOBAC: Past, present, and future. Stephen suggested we could explore information about the evolution of patron demographics, how to market techniques suited to our local area, the increasing prevalence of electronic resources, service improvements, and how to push them out to our patrons.


  • Assessing e-materials and digital resources for currency, usage, and relevance: how to evaluate e-reference collections, protocols for maintaining and adding to web resources. Navigating the increasing challenges of e-materials management given the growing complexity of these collections. Empowering library users as lifelong learners-- transitions from public to academic and back again.


New business:


  • Discussion on the current nature of reference and how reference has changed during your career.  The group noted how this topic links directly into our discussions of the workshop and collection maintenance


Library activities of public interest:


   Cynthia Ainsworth (HC): Hartnell is in the midst of a massive weeding project, and attention to diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) constitutes a big focus in this collection development initiative. Questions that are important to ask when evaluating materials include: are there multiple perspectives represented on the topic, and who is speaking for the experience? How do you look at your collection through that lens in order to make it stronger and more inclusive? Are we instructing students to be info literate once they’re out of school and no longer have database access? It is important to embed information about how to navigate resources critically that is built into our reference services.

   Joelle Mellon (MIIS): In regard to masking, the library is authorized to make its own policy independent of the school. The impact of the war between Russia and Ukraine is being felt at MIIS, with student visas affected, and many individuals distressed and concerned due to personal connections. Many events at MIIS are transpiring to raise awareness and support for the Ukrainian people, including round table discussions, documentary screening, and calls for de-escalation. Joelle submitted a paper that was accepted for a conference in San Diego. She is preparing to present this summer.

   Sean Briscoe (MPL): Library programming is on the rise, with most programs still being held virtually. 30+ kids are coming for storytimes! The book club program is virtual but is making plans to resume in person soon. Programs of interest include a glimpse of the life of Buffalo Soldiers, and a History Slam, which is much like a poetry slam, featuring diverse and engaging 10-15-minute presentations in a variety of formats. The event takes place on May 7th.

   Stephen Fadel (CSUMB): Stephen is facilitating workshops on the free citation management program, Zotero. This is being expanded to Mendeley, a competitor to Zotero. There have been some staffing changes, with a librarian departure and new appointments of two temporary full-time positions. CSUMB is also searching for a tenure track appointment for august to operate under the Interim Dean. Most classes are taking place in person and an internship program Stephen oversees has been resumed. The library had been using a McNaughton leased book popular reading program which will now be replaced by regular purchases to fill the demand for recreational reading materials. Wi-Fi and laptop lending are still very popular.

   Watonka Addison (WPL): Watsonville is recruiting for a full-time librarian to fill an adult services role. In-person, programs are drawing enthusiastic participation.

   David Addison (SCPL): With many branches closed for remodeling and/or new construction, patrons are eagerly awaiting reopening. Services have been consolidated between just a handful of open locations. In-person storytimes have resumed but many programs remain virtual.



 Administrative Council: None

 Tech Committee: None

 ILL Committee: None


 Reference Shares:  None

News from libraries (off the record)

Next meeting— (May 24th 2022 , 2pm, Watsonville PL,  Chair - David Addison)


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