
Agenda 2024-01-23

Page history last edited by David Addison 1 year, 1 month ago

MOBAC Reference Committee Meeting Agenda

January 23rd 2:00 P.M.

Watsonville Public Library and Zoom

Upstairs Conference Room 

275 Main St STE 100, Watsonville, CA 95076

Meeting Facilitator: David


To participate via Zoom:



Call to Order: 





Approval of Last Meeting's Minutes:  

Public Comments:  


Old Business: None


New business:  Discussion about the Admin Council's proposal to reorganize Mobac Committees




Administrative Council


Tech Committee


ILL Committee




Reference Shares:


News from libraries (off the record)


Next meeting— (March 26 , 2-4pm, Watsonville PL and Zoom, Chair - David Addison)



Brown Act: This meeting abides by Cal. Gov't Code § 54953. 

Cal. Gov't Code § 54953(b)(1) “Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the legislative body of a local agency may use teleconferencing for the benefit of the public and the legislative body of a local agency in connection with any meeting or proceeding authorized by law. The teleconferenced meeting or proceeding shall comply with all otherwise applicable requirements of this chapter and all otherwise applicable provisions of law relating to a specific type of meeting or proceeding.” 

Cal. Gov't Code § 54953(j)(6) A "teleconference" is "a meeting of a legislative body, the members of which are in different locations, connected by electronic means, through either audio or video, or both." 

Gov't Code § 54953 (b)(2) “Teleconferencing, as authorized by this section, may be used for all purposes in connection with any meeting within the subject matter jurisdiction of the legislative body. If the legislative body of a local agency elects to use teleconferencing, the legislative body of a local agency shall comply with all of the following:

(A) All votes taken during a teleconferenced meeting shall be by rollcall.

(B) The teleconferenced meetings shall be conducted in a manner that protects the statutory and constitutional rights of the parties or the public appearing before the legislative body of a local agency.

(C) The legislative body shall give notice of the meeting and post agendas as otherwise required by this chapter.

(D) The legislative body shall allow members of the public to access the meeting and the agenda shall provide an opportunity for members of the public to address the legislative body directly pursuant to Section 54954.3.”

Gov't Code § 54953 (3) “If the legislative body of a local agency elects to use teleconferencing, it shall post agendas at all teleconference locations. Each teleconference location shall be identified in the notice and agenda of the meeting or proceeding, and each teleconference location shall be accessible to the public. During the teleconference, at least a quorum of the members of the legislative body shall participate from locations within the boundaries of the territory over which the local agency exercises jurisdiction, except as provided in subdivisions (d) and (e).”




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