2014, March 25 Minutes

MOBAC Reference Committee Meeting Agenda



Present:  Sarah Dahlen (CSUMB)

Betty Mason (SBCL)

Amy Chirman (MPC)

Frank Gravier (UCSC)

Deborah Stephens (HCL)

Jean Chapin (HML)

Jen Waterson (MIIS)

Kris Amaral (SPL)

Mary Elturk (PGPL)


1) Call to order 2:15pm.

2) Recorder:  Kris Amaral

3) Proxies:  Mary Elturk for Inga Waite

                 Frank Gravier for Ann Jacobson

4) Approve minutes.  Correction:  Screen casting workshop, MCFL Marina is a better venue on May 30th.

5) Public Comments:  None

6) Reports.


Retreat- no council meeting. 

Jean Chapin reporting.  They went over a lot of review of the history of MOBAC and PLP.  They went over information about where funding was comes from.  MOBAC will run out of money.  There will be a need to figure out where going from here.  Will MOBAC separate from PLP, dissolve?  Brainstormed possibilities.  Possible idea was running cable to the libraries.  Spoke about getting rid of outdated material.  Brainstorm occurred in the afternoon. Broke into groups.  Mary reporting.  Have PLP be more of a force and MOBAC going separate.  Stay with both.  Each group presented their arguments.  Admin Council took notes and will write a strategic plan based on brainstorming results.  Admin Council seem to want to go down the middle road.  MOBAC pays for some libraries to be part of PLP.  Maybe ask libraries if they really need subsidizing any more, that they are more financially stable.  Save $10,000.  SPLAMBA 501 3C, so have them write grants to give workshops.  Retired librarians and students become members of MOBAC for a fee.


Tech Committee:

Deborah reporting.  Tried to finalize May 2nd Workshop.  ALA Member will speak first, then Barlow.  Panel discussion will have those 2 and Jayanti to give local perspective.  Cabrillo College is the location 9-9:30am registration, and 9:30 program will start.  Big classroom at Cabrillo will be the venue.  Reference Committee will give $100 for workshop.  ILL will give money if they get a statement of how they can contribute to the meeting so it will be relevant to them.


ILL Committee: Jean, have not met in the last 2 months.  Next meeting April 8th in Watsonville.  Will discuss giving money to Tech Committee for the workshop.  They will also work on the ILL manual revision.


SPLAMBA:  No representative


Old Business:

Hidden Treasures Workshop.  Not many people in attendance.  Discussed how to get more people to go.  Got great review from this, but would have liked to get more people to come.  Mary proposing we just do 2 workshops instead of more than that due to attendance.  Proposed putting off screen casting until next fiscal year in the spring.  Voting was unanimous to postpone it. 


Money issue:  Using the money we still have for a cart to put the equipment in for the kits that hold the video taping equipment that we keep at CSUMB.  Sarah proposes we buy a cart for $35.00 to hold the equipment.  It was approved.  $170.47 left.   We need to use it or lose it.  It was discussed if Tech Committee may need money.


New Business:

Be Astengo volunteered to be the vice chair until June.  It has been officially voted on. 


Reference Committee workshop and meeting structures in the future.  Shall we just do 2?  Plan on doing one in the fall and one in the spring, unless a compelling interest or need.  The guidelines don't dictate we need to do more than 2.  Discussed telling Admin Council that we will do 2 meetings a year.


Should we continue meeting once per month?  How is attendance?  Attendance is good for reference committee.  It is not a strain for most members.  Everyone thinks it is important to have the structure of the monthly meetings.  We will continue to meet once per month.


How should we choose who is the chair for the next year?  Should we do alphabetical and you have the option to say "no"?  Saying "no" takes the responsibility out of it for the person to take responsibility.  We will go alphabetically for the responsibility for who is the chair of the Reference Committee Meeting.  Salinas Public Library is next on the list.  Kris Amaral volunteered to be the next chair starting in July 2014.  Sarah Dahlen volunteered to Co-Chair.  It was voted and approved.


Reference Shares:  Jean shared how there will be a common core grant for $5000 worth of books for public libraries.  However, no one has heard about it.  Certain vendors will be used.  Amy talked about charging $1.00 for old flash drives at the end of the semester.  Deborah thinks Watsonville charges $10.  SPL charges $8.  Kris brought up that there is a new push in schools to teach young kids as young as preschoolers to start to learn to type and use a mouse.  Mary and Jean talked about a scanner wand that makes scanning easier because you can scan the page to size and save in different formats.  It only costs about $40 at Office Depot. 


News from Libraries.  Not recorded.


Next meeting:  April 22nd, 2014 2pm at the Pacific Grove Public Library-Little House in Jewel Park